Most of the reports and papers are printed, published and distributed by Russell-Spencer Ltd., a redundant family company owned and controlled by Spencer and his wife. This company meets all the associated costs as well as IT and telephone costs, and the cost of insuring the collection. This work for the PRC has been the only activity of the company since 1 January, 2005. It has made a Corporation Tax loss each year since then, aggregating £10,789 on 31 March, 2011. The Spencers have made a series of interest-free unsecured loans to the company to keep it solvent. The Spencers also meet all the establishment costs of the PRC, which is located in their home.
Since 2007 Spencer has paid £10,500 into the Trust’s bank account under Gift Aid, mainly in order to build up a reserve towards the costs of packing, delivering and indexing the Newman Collection, destined for the University of Durham. These monies have been invested and provide an income to meet minimal expenses of the Trust: purchases of books and journals, postage and trustees’ travel expenses. The Spencers provide accommodation cost-free. Russell-Spencer Ltd. meets all other costs. The Trust could do much more if it had other sources of financial and material support and will be glad to hear from charities and foundations interested in assisting it, and from individuals offering support under Gift Aid.